Supporting girls to shine brightly, exactly as they are

We’re here to teach girls critical life skills, build inner confidence, and know that they belong.

We decided to create GEMS to support this next generation of incredible girls to feel clear in their minds, comfortable in their bodies, and empowered with their emotions. Through our various GEMS programs and events, we are providing girls in 5th/6th grade and middle school life-changing tools and a community they can grow with.



For 5th-6th grade girls, we offer an after school enrichment that includes a weekly theme and lesson, walking laps, group discussions, guided mindfulness, and creative “gemstone” project.


For middle school girls, we offer our strength/fitness program twice / month to teach them proper weight-lifting movements. This also incorporates an intentional theme and a cool-down meditation.


Check in for regularly announced excursion opportunities for all ages! We are planning: volunteer opportunities, organic farm tours, a group 5k, private yoga classes, and self defense workshops.

What girls are saying


GEMS 2023/2024

“GEMS were the best part of my entire week, month, and year. Never have I once imagined such an incredible place to go after school that teaches you everything a young girl needs to know about self love, puberty, and so much more. I am so thankful I got the chance to attend GEMS.”


GEMS 2023/2024

“GEMS helps me mentally and physically. I learned to love myself in a way that doesn’t overpower other people. I also gained new friends when I needed them the most.”


GEMS 2023/2024

“I love that GEMS is a place where I can be myself and that it is a no stress environment.”

Get a behind-the-scenes peek into the GEMS after-school program…

Let’s give your girls the tools you wish you had at their age.

Our mission is to provide programming to girls and young women that enables them to access to their intrinsic and unique personal strengths, while developing and celebrating their physical, emotional and social health so that they can feel genuinely happy and empowered within themselves.